What’s next for the global economy, the flow of capital and asset valuations? What will current and longer-term economic trends mean for the Irish economy.
What’s next for the global economy, the flow of capital and asset valuations? What will current and longer-term economic trends mean for the Irish economy.
The developed world seems to be moving into a post-pandemic phase. What will this mean for your portfolios? The ongoing problems of inflation and the increased cost of living are presenting multiple challenges for pension schemes and members. Our panel will discuss their asset allocation views and take your questions.
Nest was set up by the UK government to help deliver the auto enrolment programme. Zoe shares insights, lessons and pitfalls to avoid as we embark on auto enrolment next year. She also discusses how to talk to your employees about pensions.
Understanding the behavioural science behind making financial decisions:
Latest research by LGIM in the UK uncovers the groups that seem to be slipping through the AE net and looks at what might help these employees to get a fairer deal when it comes to employer contributions. It also uncovers how the cost-of-living crisis is affecting pension savings, and who seems to be impacted. What can Ireland learn from this report?
Is ESG becoming the new normal for pensions? Sustainability is rising rapidly up the pensions agenda because of a mix of changing law, regulations and growing demand from pension scheme members and other stakeholders. Our panel discusses why employers and Trustees need to engage with ESG in order to drive better retirement outcomes for members. How do pension scheme trustees address increased member scrutiny on how their funds are invested?
2:15 pm – 3:00 pm
This discussion will be about the impacts of IORPSII and other legislative changes on employers and what actions they should be taking to comply and ensure benefit provisions are compliant and supporting an employers overall employee value proposition.
2:15 pm – 3:00 pm
Staff retention strategies are becoming increasingly important for businesses as it can help you keep your hold of your top talent, keep productivity, engagement and morale high as well as reducing the cost of recruitment. This discussion will focus on having the right benefits package can help as part of your strategy.
2:15 pm – 3:00 pm
Strategies to help people get the most from their pensions reexamining the traditional employer-employee relationship Flexible working – expanding our view of flexible work
2:15 pm – 3:00 pm
Top tips and tools to help trustees navigate through ESG.